A Power of Attorney for healthcare allows a spouse to make medical treatment decisions on behalf of, and obtain information about the condition of, a legally incompetent spouse. This is particularly important in cases of dementia, heart attack or stroke because the spouse may not have the mental capacity to understand what is happening to them or around them.

Without a Power of Attorney, the competent spouse will be forced to apply to a court for a guardianship of the person for the spouse. As a result, necessary medical treatment may be delayed and unnecessary expenses are incurred.

For parents with children turning 18, you lose the all authority to make healthcare decisions on behalf of your child – even in the event of an emergency – and you are not entitled to be notified that your child is in the emergency room. A Power of Attorney for healthcare executed by your child, where you are designated as his or her agent, will erase the helplessness you will feel if you do not take this simple, proactive step to protect your child.

Do you send your minor child(ren) on vacation with grandparents? Did you know that grandparents do not have the legal right to make healthcare decisions for their grandchild(ren) absent a Power of Attorney? Rath Law PLLC can prepare the proper document giving grandparents the authority to make healthcare decisions for your children while in their care.